Maurits van der Graaf
Senior consultant
Maurits has gained ample experience through diverse consultancy assignments in information services, science, education and in the cultural sector. Before Pleiade, he held various management positions in publishing, in library and documentation institutes and in public education. The positions he has occupied include those of Director of the Dutch Influenza Foundation, the Dutch Agency for Current Research Information and Deputy Director of the Netherlands Institute of Scientific Information Services.
Mark de Does
Software architect
Mark has as software architect many years of experience developing a state-of-the-art generation of software products. He has not only acquired experience in designing commercial software products, but has also gained experience with technical architecture of extensive computer systems, translating technology into products, conversions of formats of files and solving acute IT problems in big organizations. Characteristic of him is his penchant for making innovative software using simple techniques.
His scientific background and wide interest as well as good listening skills make him particularly suited to supporting the development of software products and systems. He has also designed Pleiadesurvey, the online survey instrument of Pleiade.
Pleiade has collaborated in recent projects with:
Antoine Blanchard, Diane Thierry (Dataactivist, FR)
Max Kemman, Melvin Hanswijk (Dialogic, NL)
Rob Johnson (Research Consulting, UK)
Tracey Clarke (Tracy Clarke Consulting, UK)
Eefke Smit (Bronfonteyn, NL)
Willem Koerselman (Koerselman Consulting, NL)